Don't Be Shrek The Sheep
One of the most enduring Psalms, even sections of scripture, heck, poems of all time is Psalm 23. The chance that someone in any room you walk into could finish the sentence if you started with, “The Lord is my shepherd…” are close to 100% we’d guess.
But why? Why is it that a portion of six verses seems to endure in every generation? How does it carry so much weight and mean so much to so many? Here is one possible reason. Deep down, we all know we are sheep. In the deepest parts of our soul, we know that on our own we cannot solve every problem, provide for every need, or know which direction to take at all times.
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Holy Week Bible Readings
As we get close to Easter, we have an opportunity to read the parts of the gospels that reveal the journey Jesus made from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday which we call Holy Week. What you’ll find below are readings for each day of the week. We would love for you to take time in your day to sit down, remove distractions, and experience the story of our savior.
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From the Ashes: Lent at C3 Fort Worth
What has this last year held for you? What’s left of the past couple years? As things have inched closer to normal life, what has come with it that is unexpected? Maybe you, like many of us, are walking with some surprising baggage or still fighting old foes. Maybe there is a sense of emptiness or frustration that you can’t seem to shake. Or possibly you are just tired. The last couple weeks, months, or years have worn you down.
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Sunday Backwards & Forwards / The Common Good
Each week we want to give you a chance to look back at what we discussed the previous Sunday as well as look ahead at what we will be talking about this coming weekend. The hope is that it gives you a sense of how these texts come together and allows you to prepare your heart and mind for what you will be hearing as we move forward.
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Sunday Backwards & Forwards / Holy Spirit Comes Down
Each week we want to give you a chance to look back at what we discussed the previous Sunday as well as look ahead at what we will be talking about this coming weekend. The hope is that it gives you a sense of how these texts come together and allows you to prepare your heart and mind for what you will be hearing as we move forward.
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Day 7: Inclusion (Prayer Guide)
Each day, pick a time and place to withdraw from all the pressures and pulls of life to seek God and His kingdom first. Follow along using this guide as a framework for your prayers and reference the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 throughout your day.
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Day 6: Alignment (Prayer Guide)
Each day, pick a time and place to withdraw from all the pressures and pulls of life to seek God and His kingdom first. Follow along using this guide as a framework for your prayers and reference the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 throughout your day.
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Day 5: Breakthrough (Prayer Guide)
Each day, pick a time and place to withdraw from all the pressures and pulls of life to seek God and His kingdom first. Follow along using this guide as a framework for your prayers and reference the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 throughout your day.
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What is Epiphany and why does it matter?
Today marks twelve days past Christmas and also marks a holiday on the church calendar called the Feast of Epiphany. What is it and why does it matter?
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Day 4: Forgiveness (Prayer Guide)
Each day, pick a time and place to withdraw from all the pressures and pulls of life to seek God and His kingdom first. Follow along using this guide as a framework for your prayers and reference the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 throughout your day.
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Day 3: Compassion (Prayer Guide)
Each day, pick a time and place to withdraw from all the pressures and pulls of life to seek God and His kingdom first. Follow along using this guide as a framework for your prayers and reference the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 throughout your day.
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Day 2: Confession (Prayer Guide)
Each day, pick a time and place to withdraw from all the pressures and pulls of life to seek God and His kingdom first. Follow along using this guide as a framework for your prayers and reference the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 throughout your day.
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Day 1: Presence (Prayer Guide)
Each day, pick a time and place to withdraw from all the pressures and pulls of life to seek God and His kingdom first. Follow along using this guide as a framework for your prayers and reference the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 throughout your day.
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As Above. So Below. Seven Days of Prayer + Fasting.
We are taking the first week of 2022 to pray, seek first and believe for the Kingdom Come in our lives, streets, church, and city. To see the Kingdom come and God’s will be done as above in heaven, so below in the earth.
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Our Summer in the Psalms
The book of Psalms is an intricately designed collection of poetry that recounts Israel's history and God's covenant promises. It’s a book made for a lifetime of careful contemplation, where we can learn about the importance of prayer and the acknowledgment of pain, as well as the power of praise and fulfillment of prophecy.
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40 Days of Jesus and People
This year we are spending time in each season of the church calendar. Why? Because our calendar often shows us what is important to us and what our life orients around. The other reason is stated in the vision of C3 Fort Worth. We want people to see Jesus like never before! And in this way, celebrating holidays or seasons that many of us have never celebrated or have treated as legalistic and ritualistic, we are giving ourselves a chance to see and experience the story of Jesus in a brand new way.
And because of that, this year we are observing the season of Lent as a church. So that probably leads to the first question, “What is Lent?” Read on.
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Heart + Mind Resources
We hope you’re enjoying our Mind + Heart pattern. Below you’ll find resources that have informed our conversation so far or will take you further into the topic. We will be adding to this list as we continue the Pattern. If you’d like to catch up on the past weeks, use the links below…
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Welcome Home C3 Fort Worth
It's official! Over the coming weeks, we will be moving into our new 24/7 home and we could not be more excited about how God will use this space to merge the sacred and secular.
We are a 'be the church, build the city' kind of community and we believe this will be just that. Our gift to this amazing city we call home. Where the body of Christ will look in many ways like the building it gathers in.
More news and details are on the way as we launch Vision Builders 2020, but know this... the next season will bear the fruit of the seeds you have sown.
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Watch Parties in July
Let's prayerfully include many and invite those around us into our homes for Watch Parties! We'd love for you to grab some neighbors, friends, family, or even some of your C3 team to join you for Sundays in July.
Join us live at the 10am at or catch the replay at 12pm and 5pm on our YouTube and Facebook.
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