All Stages of the Journey / Update June 2020

As we move forward on this journey towards coming back together, we wanted to give you an update on our plan each step of the way. Through prayer, conversations with our team, and listening to city leaders we are laying out a staged plan to re-opening. Our vision of 'all stages in the journey' comes from Exodus 40:36-38.

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Brandon Cole
Unity & Diversity: A Pattern of Jesus

As our broken ground of past hurts and present realities are showing up in our country, it is our responsibility and calling as the church of Jesus Christ to lean into the tension and lift up Jesus. In our effort to lean in and grow together, we want to provide for you a few resources that might help you as you build bridges and bring healing through relationship.

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Brandon Cole Comment
Patterns For life

This has so far been the year of the pattern. We are establishing patterns of Jesus to adjust our posture to stand like Jesus and to inhabit places like Jesus did. Below are ten ways in the midst of disruption and uncertainty to establish patterns that will keep you in a posture of faith, hope, and love.

These have been adapted from Bridgetown Church’s Rule of Life.

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For The Streets Offering

It's always been about the streets and hearts of Fort Worth at C3. And during this difficult time in our city and beyond we are committed to staying that way. So each week in April we will be selecting a new non-profit in Fort Worth to financially partner with as they serve our city! Can you help us?

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Brandon Cole
Temple + Table: A Pattern of Jesus

The pattern of temple + table is one that has always been of utmost importance to the community of C3 Fort Worth. We’ve always said that church is not only done in rows but around the table. And in fact, that was how the gospel spread from city to city and region to region. As people went about their lives worshipping in the temple and eating around the table the true spirit of Jesus was shown.

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Withdraw + Return: A Pattern of Jesus

“Yet he often withdrew to deserted places and prayed.” Luke 5:16

This year we will focus on establishing the patterns of Jesus so that we have the posture of heaven. Our first pattern of 2020 is the pattern of Withdraw & Return. That we withdraw from the pace and demands of life to abide in the peace and power of Jesus. It is what Jesus did even as the crowds surrounded him and the sick came to him.. he often withdrew to pray (Luke 5:16).

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PatternsBrandon Coleprayer
C3 @ Home

Ever year we take the last Sunday of the year to create some space for you and yours—family, friends, or both—to rest and refresh by having church around your favorite coffee table or in your dining room. So grab a good coffee, your favorite breakfast, and some good people and enjoy this message from Pastor Brandon.

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Brandon Cole
Books to Remember / Teach Us To Pray

Prayer is of primary importance in the life of any follower of Jesus and as we come to a close in our series, Teach Us to Pray, we wanted to give you some books that might help you to remember all that we’ve learned and very likely find out some new things we didn’t get a chance to cover.

So here is your Books to Remember: Teach Us To Pray edition… read them, listen to them, and mark ‘em up!

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We're On The Move

If you haven't heard, we have secured the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens as our new home for all of 2018, starting Sunday, January 7th, at 11am! We can't wait to reach more people and encounter God together in our new home.

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Brandon Cole
21 Days of Prayer & Fasting / January 2018

From the beginning of C3, we have made it a priority to seek God first in prayer. We do this collectively as a church in January and August through 21 Days of Prayer. These two months are intentional, as they begin new seasons of the year. Together, we faithfully seek God first, trusting in His power alone to create lasting impact in our lives, our church, and our world.

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Brandon Cole21days
Help Houston

We are closely tracking the impacts of Hurricane Harvey as it continues to affect our neighbors in Houston and surrounding areas. We have been in contact with several friends and organizations on how we can best help those affected by the storm. Below are a few different ways to help, including volunteering in Fort Worth as they set-up to house those displaced.

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Brandon Cole