Wherever you came from, however you arrived here, you are welcome at our table!
Every week we meet across Fort Worth to eat, share stories, unpack scripture, pray, and get to know one another. Our hope and prayer is that every neighborhood in Fort Worth has a table where people find community and experience radical hospitality.
Our heart is that the table would be one of the defining meeting places of our church. And as we follow the pattern of Jesus, going from temple to table, our lives will be shaped by the beauty and strength of community.
Let us know you are interested and we’ll be in touch.
Types of Tables
Dinner Parties are a weekly shared meal where all are welcome and new relationships are formed. An opportunity to share life with others.
Social Tables give you an opportunity to grow in relationship through common interests or seasons of life. Tables meet in restaurants, parks, homes or really anywhere.
Discipleship Tables exist to help you grow in your walk with Christ through authentic relationships, genuine questions, and intentional study.
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Acts 2:42
Dinner Parties
Steve & Linda Woessner
Paul & Judi Cole
Wednesdays 6:30pm
Historic Southside
Emma & Shannon Guardiola
Wednesdays 6:30pm
North Fort Worth
Will & Claire Meier
Wednesdays 6:30pm
Tim & Whitley Smith
Wednesdays 6:30pm
Connor & Rebecca Gorman
Wednesdays 6:30pm
Discipleship Tables
Men’s Table
Scott Treske
Tuesday, Bi-Weekly, 6:30pm
College Students
Mazvi & Nyha Nyamarebvu
Dates Vary
NRH Discipleship
Alex & Olivia Prioleau
Tuesday, Bi-Weekly, 6:30pm
Finance Discipleship
Tim & Dana Nichols
Monday, Monthly, 7pm
Fort Worth Discipleship
Minde Osborne
Tuesday, Bi-weekly, 6:30pm
Social Tables
Dames and Drinks
Kristen McCurdy
Tuesdays 7:30pm
Game Night
Luke Kulp
Thursdays 7pm
help us set the table at c3
Interested in starting, hosting, or leading a Table? We are here to help partner with you in growing the table across Fort Worth. Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch to help get you started.