Welcome Home C3 Fort Worth

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Be the church. Build the city.

It's official! Over the coming weeks, we will be moving into our new 24/7 home and we could not be more excited about how God will use this space to merge the sacred and secular.

We are a 'be the church, build the city' kind of community and we believe this will be just that. Our gift to this amazing city we call home. Where the body of Christ will look in many ways like the building it gathers in.

More news and details are on the way as we launch Vision Builders 2020, but know this... the next season will bear the fruit of the seeds you have sown.

Thank you church for being so faith-filled and faithful. We are in this together! You. Me. Us.

Build With Us

Do you want to help get our new home ready for us to move in? We will be at the building on Wednesdays and Saturdays over the next two weeks. We'll have something for everyone to do.. plus, it's another excuse to hang.

Wednesday from 6pm-9pm
Saturday from 9am-1pm

If you can't help at those hours but still want to do something, please let us know. We can arrange a time for you to come help during the day or evening.

Let us know how or when you can help by filling out the form below.

Brandon Cole