Unity & Diversity: A Pattern of Jesus

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“In the fellowship of those who are bound together by personal loyalty to Jesus Christ, the relationship of love reaches an intimacy and intensity unknown elsewhere. Friendship between the friends of Jesus of Nazareth is unlike any other friendship, and this ought to be the normal experience within the Church. Where it is experienced, especially across the barriers of race, nationality and language, it is one of the most convincing evidences of the continuing activity of Jesus among men.”

Bishop Stephen Neil


Together, this is our journey.

As our broken ground of past hurts and present realities are showing up in our country, it is our responsibility and calling as the church of Jesus Christ to lean into the tension and lift up Jesus. In our effort to lean in and grow together, we want to provide for you a few resources that might help you as you build bridges and bring healing through relationship.

These are resources to get you started, but as a church we are committed to keeping the conversation going and taking action that will have a long-term impact. More plans and strategies on that to be announced soon.

Daily Prayer & Word

Our first priority at all times is to keep Jesus at the center. So we recommend the following Bible reading plans on YouVersion to lean into what God has spoken about his creation.

Books To Read

Videos & Conversations

We are so thankful for our C3 Global family and the global church for leaning into this conversation and creating such powerful resources. From 7min explainers on race to 60min conversations…

Online Courses

Gospel & Race Course (C3 NYC)

The Gospel and Race course features a multi-voice video series from evangelical leaders that sheds light on issues of race, culture, and the gospel, and equips churches to take action. Join our C3 Family in this 6-week course launching June 29th - Aug 3rd


Bridging the Divide (Braver Angels)

This course will teach you how to communicate better with people who differ from you politically.  There are two course options, one for "reds" and one for "blues."   By "red," we mean someone who leans conservative and tends to vote more often for Republicans than Democrats.  By "blue," we mean someone who leans liberal and tends to vote more often for Democrats than Republicans.  You are also welcome to take both courses if you like.  The skills are the same but the examples are different.


Brandon Cole1 Comment